A black and white image of the words suo rosa and other stories.

Secrets confessed in a rose garden, a kiss shared between a young boy and girl of different races, the anguish of losing a child – this story collection explores pain and loss in the South. Quirky, often marginalized characters contend with forces beyond their control or understanding – racial terror, childhood traumas, family betrayals. We meet such characters as a childhood friend of Lee Harvey Oswald, a young lawyer sent to investigate the murder of Black troops in the Jim Crow South, and a mental patient obsessed with the film Harold and Maude. In each story, Lambert reveals the humor and tragedy running through the lives of these unique human beings.

If you care to sample the dark spicy gumbo of the Southern soul, you will want to meet and get to know these characters.

About The Author

A man with glasses and a black shirt

James Lambert is a lifelong resident of Louisiana and today also lives in Colorado. For over forty years as a trial lawyer, he listened to and told the stories of his clients and others caught up in the drama of the courts, mental hospitals, and prisons. Working with Kairos Prison Ministry, he serves as a spiritual mentor to inmates at Angola Prison, including those on death row. After studying short story writing under the acclaimed Southern writer Ernest Gaines, he offers these stories of pain, loss, growth, and redemption.

Kirkus Review


Writer's Forum

by Host Michael Tusa at WRBH FM

Discover Lafayette

by Host Jan Swift

Buy The Book

If you wonder at the contradictions and challenges of life in the American South, you will love these stories of quirky, often marginalized characters struggling to cope with pain, injustice, and loss.

ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9781982261887
ISBN 13 (HARD): 9781982261900
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9781982261894

A book cover with an image of a person and the title.